
We manage your internationalization and digital transformation projects

Our services

1. Market analysis

Market research
When making the decision to export or import, it is essential to have as much information as possible, in order to minimize the risks inherent to the process and maximize projected profits.

In this way, Two D Corporation supports you with information directly in the market of your interest, and with it, to know which are your main competitors, how your product or service is distributed or channeled, what is the price to the final customer, what type of presentation or packaging the consumer prefers, among other critical aspects for an effective negotiation.

Finally, based on this information, we support you to design the commercial plan for the selected market, corresponding to your product or service.

After selecting the market of your interest and defining the business strategy to enter it, you must work strategically and innovatively in the identification of end customers, distributors or partners; for the successful marketing of your services or products.

This task is critical since it requires having a fine awareness of the business culture of the market and correct language handling, to increase the successful conversion rate.

Therefore, at Two D Corporation we provide you with world-class tools to properly profile prospects and speed up your international marketing process.

Business agenda
Effective and direct communication with new business partners allows to develop the relationship in the medium and long term, as well as strengthen the presence in the market of interest, through the diversification of goods and services.

For this reason, we support your company in the planning, execution and monitoring of face-to-face and virtual business agendas, using current management tools.

In addition, we will accompany or represent you at international events, both exhibition and business conference, with the aim that you can focus on the key activities of your business.

2. Digital transformation

Project management
The offer of technological solutions is so wide, that it can be overwhelming, without an adequate evaluation and selection structure for the particularities of your business.

Also, a frequent mistake in the implementations of ERP or CRM type systems is to delegate responsibility only to the solution provider, without having a professional who internally manages the scope and development of this type of projects.

Therefore, Two D Corporation applies the international standards of the PMI, for the correct formulation, control and evaluation of technological projects, such as: selection, implementation and optimization of ERP and CRM systems, analysis of system requirements and custom developments, among others.

Business evolves rapidly and, for this reason, it is essential to adjust business systems so that they continue to provide the required support to functional units and decision makers in the critical processes of your company.
These adjustments can be simple issues, such as modifying parameters, training new functionalities or changing collaborators; up to much more complex issues, such as the complete reimplementation of the solution, or even the migration to a more robust system or specialized to the turn of your business.

Let us be your ally in order to get the maximum return on your investment in technology in business management systems, such as ERP, CRM, custom application design, solution integration, among others.

Business intelligence
Business information systems store essential data for the operation and monitoring of the various lines of your business.

However, extracting, analyzing or combining them with other data sources is not always a simple task, which leads to rework, improper manipulation and even interpretation errors by users.

For this reason, it is that in Two D Corporation we try to provide a comprehensive vision of the business through the design, implementation and updating of reports, key performance indicators (KPIs) and balanced scorecards, in order to provide the necessary statistical support for your operational and strategic decisions.

Two D Corp.

We are a company dedicated to the project management and increase your business competitiveness through commercial internationalization, identifying potential customers and suppliers in the region of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, as well as promoting your digital transformation to improve your organizational efficiency.

Contact us

Phone: +506 7221-5200