
We manage your internationalization and digital transformation projects

Our services

1. Market analysis

Market research
Elaboration of commercial studies such as: price study, competitor analysis, target market conditions.

Identification of potential clients in the selected destinations based on the extensive network of contacts and strategic alliances.

Business agenda
Coordination of business meetings virtually, in person or even support in attending international fairs.

2. Digital transformation

Project management
Formulation, control and evaluation of projects in systems, business processes and commercial internationalization.

Analysis, redesign and integration of technological solutions to obtain the maximum return on your investment.

Business intelligence
Design of reports, balanced scorecards based on information from their systems and external sources.

Our team

Rolando Dobles
Costa Rica
Dalila Dávila
Silvia Dobles
Central America
Dominican Republic – Trinidad & Tobago

Two D Corp.

We are a company dedicated to the project management and increase your business competitiveness through commercial internationalization, identifying potential customers and suppliers in the region of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, as well as promoting your digital transformation to improve your organizational efficiency.

Contact us

Phone: +506 7221-5200